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Tri-clash! (Feat. Jeremy Gillespie, Hank Feng, and Brydon Yao)

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       Tri-clash! is a Yomi-card game based on the classic rock paper scissors game. Spiced up with strategic resource management, to create a brand new experience. 

        3 Players will each get a randomized hand with some basic Rock Paper Scissor Cards discarded randomly. Everyone then randomly drafts a King, a Mage, and a Fool out of three types. Finally, each player will build their hand with their given basic and special cards to enter the battle royale.

        During each battle, players will have to carefully choose what type, and many of RPS cards to send facing down. And after revealing the played cards, victory points will be calculated which eventually builds up to a player's victory. Watch out your hand's size though, as you will be left vulnerable if you ran out of cards too early.


        Predicting your opponent's moves according to the number of cards they've used would lead to better chances of winning. This also encourages bluffing and playing anti-instinctively to surprise your enemies. Watch out for special cards too, as each of them could drastically change the tide of a game.


Reworked Card Design

Legacy Card Design

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